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Sergei Kalugin

Speaker pictogram

Hi there, nice to meet you! I’m a full-stack web developer with a special interest in design, UX/UI, ergonomics, and human-machine interaction. In my work, I emphasize simplicity, usability and expressiveness.

Recent work
  • PP project icon
    • XML
    • TEI
    • XSLT
    • Gulp
    • jQuery
    • SVG

    The Pulter Project

    This digital edition of poems, written by an early modern poet Hester Pulter, posed interesting challenges in the areas of design, content encoding and processing, as well as front-end scripting.

    120 poems and accompanying critical commentary were thoughtfully united by an interface that creates a comfortable reading experience and stimulates exploration. Open the mock-ups to see the thought process.

    External link icon
  • FF project icon
    • Angular
    • Typescript

    Flipped French

    This Angular app is intended to be an alternative for a course book in a “flipped” classroom environment. It features a collection of interactive exercises, textual and video grammar content.

    Some of the preparatory design work can be seen here.

    External link icon
  • CM project icon
    • AngularJS
    • Omeka
    • PHP
    • Mapbox

    Chicago Mural Movement

    This is a class-based creation showcasing a collection of Chicago murals from the 60s and 70s. Metadata handling, mapping, and graphic manipulation were among the key aspects of the project.

    The back-end is powered by Omeka CMS and the Angular.js app is consuming the data exposed by Omeka’s REST API.

    External link icon
  • NU project icon
    • Angular
    • Typescript
    • HTML5


    A group of students travelled to Berlin to learn about the lives of people living in a “Notunterkunft”—a shelter for immigrants. This Angular app presents their work in a collection of unique stories.

    See this InVision prototype to get an idea about the design process for this site.

    External link icon
  • More Work
  • Letter V icon
    Visualizing Les Mis

    Visualizing a novel is an exciting challenge. This WordPress site showcases the result of that work through a variety of interactive graphs and maps.

    • Wordpress
    • PHP
    • SVG
    • R
    • Gephi
    • Community detection
  • Letter O icon
    Open Door Archive

    Omeka-based digital repository and exhibition space is dedicated to the print culture and multimedia archives of multiethnic poetry.

    • Omeka
    • PHP
    • MySQL
    • PDF
    • Metadata
    • Dublin Core
  • Letter W icon

    This class-based project is an attempt to create an encyclopedia of university-specific language. The chosen engine—MediaWiki—allows the site to evolve over time.

    • CakePHP
    • MediaWiki
    • SVG
  • Letter S icon
    Shakespeare’s Circuits

    Another custom class-based WordPress site shows the work of students who—equipped with modern digital tools— explore Shakespeare’s powerful global impact.

    • Wordpress
    • PHP
    • Twig
    • Carto


When I’m not in front of a computer, I play! That includes both indoor activities (piano, chess, puzzles, etc.) and outdoor adventures. Moving through space is my true passion.

I log my workouts on Strava logo . Feel free to follow me, I’m curious to see what you’re up to.

Fancy a game of chess? Challenge me at logo!